Archive | March, 2014

Good to be back

24 Mar

We’ve been on spring break the past week, so it was good to get back and see the kids and get into a routine again.  I was delighted by their enthusiasm to return and their excitement to tell me their spring break adventures.  The closer we get to graduation, the more I seem to cherish their stories, their hugs, their laughter…their presence.  I’ve got a great bunch this year.  Thinking about them graduating and starting college is bittersweet.


We are in review mode in AP Calculus.  Each day, we do a past free response question individually, grade it, correct it, and then they’re on their own as they work other past questions from the same topic.  Today’s topic was Area and Volume and the question we looked at had an average score of about 4 (out of 9) the year it was on the exam.  After we graded and corrected, I was walking around taking questions and I saw that one of my kids (who isn’t always super strong) scored a 4!  And we’re still six weeks from the test.  He’s only going to improve from here on out.  I’m not sure I could convey to him how ecstatic that made me, but I hope he got the message: “Daaaaang, boy!”